Alt Terra Commons
Community Joining Options
~ Sign-Up And Become An ATC Member Today ~
"Together We Can Accomplish Great Things"
Membership Options ~ Community Principles ~ Basic Overview ~ Earn ATC Credits
~ *Sign-Up places you on our Standard Email List - Bi-Annual and Quarterly News, plus Occasional Updates ~
~ Step One - INTEREST LEVEL - Five Options ~
1. Become a Resident / Register - *MOVE INTO the ATC Community
PROSPECTIVE RESIDENCY - To START the Membership Process and Choose your Lifestyle Options,
Simply Click the Link Below. For General Questions Click the "Inquiry Form" Instead.
2. Become a Benefactor - *DONATE TO the ATC Community
FINANCIAL FUNDING - To BECOME a Benefactor/Donor - give Money and/or Tangible Assets,
Simply Click the Link Below. For General Questions Click the "Inquiry Form" Instead.
3. Become a Backer - *INVEST IN the ATC Community
FINANCIAL FUNDING - To BECOME an Investor/Backer - offer Working Capital to Kick-Start and/or
Expand ATC Business's, Simply Click the Link Below. For General Questions Click the "Inquiry Form" Instead.
4. Become an Affiliate - *UNITE WITH the ATC Community
GROUP AFFILIATION - To JOIN a Network of Intentional Communities and/or Business's who will be
Collaborating with one another, Simply Click the Link Below.
5. Get General Information - *ASK QUESTIONS about the ATC Community
GENERAL INQUIRY - To GET any Other Information about the Alt Terra Commons project, and/or
Get Basic Residency, Funding, Affiliate or Commerce Information, Simply Click the Link Below.
~ Step Two – MEMBERSHIP EXTRAS – Five Options ~
6. Become a *WEBSITE Member
To Gain Access to the *Hidden Website Member Only Group Pages with *Live Online Chat, Choose
this Additional Level - Click “EXPLORE” in Main Menu at Top for a Sneak Peek.
7. Become a *LEADERSHIP Member
To Become a *Representative / Advisor Leader with *Phone / Texting Contact, Choose this
Additional Level – Click “LEADERSHIP” in the Main Menu at Top for Details.
8. Become a *VOLUNTEER Member
To Become an *Online / Regional Volunteer with *Phone / Texting Contact, Choose this
Additional Level – Click “VOLUNTEER” in the Main Menu at Top for Details.
9. Become an *ATC FORUM Member
To Gain Access to the *Hidden Forum Member Only Discussion Boards with ATC and Member Posts,
Choose this Additional Level - Click “EXPLORE” in Main Menu at Top for the Link.
To Connect with ATC on Other Sites and/or Access a *Wide Variety of Intentional Community Related
Videos Choose this Additional Level - Click "ICONS" in the Social Media Menu at Bottom for Links.
To begin with, our Intentional Community is based on the following Key Words: A) Communal - all Resident Members will Share Essential Infrastructure and Facilities, B) Sustainable - all Resident Members will Limit their Environmental Impact, C) Homesteading - all Resident Members will provide their own Self Contained Household needs, D) Self Sufficiency - all Resident Members will provide their own Financial Needs, Income Sources, Insurance Coverage and so on, E) Minimalism - all Resident Members will Limit their need for Unnecessary Possessions, F) Egalitarian - all Community Costs and Fees
will be Divided Equally amongst all Resident Members - See "Financial Concepts " below, G) Innovative - all Resident
Members will Contribute their Ideas for New and/or Improved Upon Products, Services, Procedures and so on, H) Team Work - all Resident Members will Fully Participate in all Activities (meetings, work, classes, meals, gardening, cooking, fun stuff, construction, agriculture, farming, cleaning, office, business's, leadership, decision making, celebrations and so on) that are necessary to Properly Manage and Operate the Community. Finally, I) Policies and Procedures - all Resident Members will adhere to the Community Agreements (Instructions, Rules and Regulations, Qualifications, Contracts, Limitations and so on) that are required to Properly Manage and Operate the Community.
I. First, there is The Group vs Individual Affordability Principle. It is Far Less Expensive for a Group of People, an
Intentional Community, to Own and Maintain Property and Equipment than it is for an Individual or Single Family, in
two ways: A) First, all Property Costs are Spread Out over many people rather than on just one or two people.
IE: $200,000 House for #1 person vs $20,000 each for #10 people. And B) Second, all Essential Equipment and
Appliances, plus Critical Infrastructure and Buildings, etc are Shared, only used as needed, and therefore
only have to be Purchased Once rather than making Multiple Purchases for usage by each
Individual or Family. IE: $1,000 Refrigerator for #1 vs $100 each for #10 People.
II. Second, there are Three Specific Financing Principles Implemented by ATC as follows: A) First - *Overall
Community Cost is based on Three Factors: 1. Purchase Price, 2. Improvements Costs, and 3. Monthly Upkeep / All
Other Required Costs. B) Second - *Overall Member Fees are based on: 1. Equally Dividing Total Overall
Community Cost by Total Number of Residents. And Finally C) Third - *Specific Per Member Fees are based on:
1. Actual Cost of the Lifestyle chosen (property, village, housing, membership level and so on) plus
2. Equitable Formula that takes Income / Ability to Pay into account. IE: Lower Overall Community
Costs plus More Residents equals Lower Overall Member Fees. And therefore the Opposite
is also true which would result in Higher Overall Member Fees. Plus those with Higher Incomes will
generally Pay More Per Member Fees in order that those with Lower Incomes can Pay Less - the Minimum.
III. Finally Third, there is the Monetary Purchase Systems and Cashless Methods of Exchange utilized within ATC, that
allows you to Purchase or Exchange Community based Items - Products, Services and More, which includes the following:
1. *Purchases: A) Credits – purchase items with "ATC Credits" by using your ATC Membership / ID Card - In General,
ATC Credits / Points are earned from Completing / Doing ATC Projects and/or Work. Completing Transactions with
ATC Credits is the Primary / Preferred Method. The Value of *One - #1 ATC Credit is generally equivalent
to *One - $1.00 US Dollar, B) CryptoCurrency – purchase items with "Digital Money" by using
your Secure BlockChain Wallet. The Value of *One - #1 Coin / % of Share to *One - #1 US Dollar can only be
determined at the time of a Transaction as its Value Fluctuates Continuously, and finally of course C) Cash – purchase
items with "US Dollars" by using your Fiat Currency / Money. The Value of *One - #1 US Dollar can on only be
determined at the time of a Transaction as its Value is subject to both Inflation and Deflation. *Note: All Items for Sale
will have a Price / Tag in US Dollars which can then easily be Converted to its CryptoCurency or ATC Credits equivalent.
And 2. *Exchanges: D) Trade – exchange Ownership of One Item with someone else for a Different Item of perceived equivalent value. Items available for Trade are listed on the Community “Trade” Bulletin Board, E) Lending – loan
out One Item Temporarily for a Different Item. Items available for Lending are placed in our Lending Library, and
F) Donation - take an Item that is being offered for Free to anyone that needs it. Items available for Free are
listed on the Community “Donation” Bulletin Board. *Note: All Requirements for an Exchange are generally
Predetermined by the Parties Involved and they can Modify it however they find acceptable – IE Barter.
*Are You Ready To Do Something Great - Yes, OK Sure there are many Intentional Communities out
there that you could join, some that are Good and some that well, are simply Disorganized and/or Very
Limited in Scope. There are some that Only Offer Yoga, Spirituality, or a Vegetarian Diet. Some that are
Outdated throw backs to the Hippie Commune Era, are Isolationists, and/or Tech Averse. Some that have
only One Leader, Owner, and/or One Type of Housing, and so on and so on. And then there are some that are
simply a Glorified Real Estate Scheme/Housing Association who are only trying to Profit from Selling you a
Condo, House or Empty Lot. Plus there are those that are actually a Border Line Cult/Pseudo Religion that
seek your Total Adoration and/or Assets. So Yes, you could choose to join and move into one of Those Kind of
Out-Dated and Limited Vision Communities, OR... you could choose ATC - a Modern Era and Wide-Ranging
“Non-Profit Perpetual Housing/Land Trust” that is Designed, Built, and Funded, plus Lead, Operated
and Managed by YOU - the Member Residents. So Come Join Us to Find Your Freedom, Unleash
Your Creativity, Make Your Dreams Come True, and Begin - "Doing Community Differently"
Let's Be Clear, ATC is a Forward Thinking "New Millennium" Style Intentional Community that is Exploring
Future Possibilities. Therefore if you are looking for the Standard "Old Fashioned' Community Concepts of the Past,
you may want to Look Elsewhere, as we are Futurists who are Always Innovating and Living on the Leading Edge.
1. For a Brief Outline of The ATC Project, Click the Link below
2. To Join The ATC Community and/or Attend Activities, Click the Link below
3. For First Time Visitors, Click the Link below
~ *Being an ATC Member - Completing the "Residency Form" is Required First ~
I. *Spending - *ATC Credits / Points will be Redeemable / Exchangeable for a Variety of ATC *Based / Approved
Offerings that includes: A. Products, and/or B. Services, plus C. Time Off Work, and/or D. CryptoCurrency – *ATC Tokens.
( *Note: Design Underway - ATC ID and Tokens, plus Spending Credits Not Yet Available )
II. *Earning - *ATC Credits / Points can be Earned / Accumulated by doing any of the following:
Option Two - Get / Earn "Bonus Credits" - Available Now
1. To Earn #0.5 Credits simply Complete any One Item Listed below, or
2. To Earn #3.0 Credits simply Complete all Four Items Listed below.
A. Join and Participate in All Three of the following: 1. ATC Forum Activity Group Membership, plus
2. ATC Website Membership, plus 3. ATC MetaVerse Site Membership. Click "Explore..." in Main Menu at Top.
B. Join and Subscribe to All Three of the following: 1. ATC YouTube Site, plus 2. ATC Twitter Site, plus
3. Any One Other ATC Social Media Site of Your Choice. Click "Icons" at Bottom.
C. Complete both of the following: 1. Become an ATC Leadership Team Member, plus
2. Complete an Approved ATC Community Project. Click "Leadership" in Main Menu at Top.
D. Complete both of the following: 1. Attend the In Person ATC Meetings, plus 2. Make an Approved
ATC Referral – IE Someone you Refer becomes an ATC Member / Registers. Click "Activities" in Main Menu at Top.
Option One - Get / Earn "Work Credits" - *Future Plans
3. Any ATC Member / Resident who Satisfactorily Completes: A. Essential Work, and/or
B. Extra Chores will Earn #10.0 Credits per *One - #1 Hour of Work.
*Note: "Work Credits" will only be Available after Move In.
III. *Value - In General, the Value of *ATC Credits / Points are determined as follows:
*One - #1 ATC Credit is generally equivalent to, but Not Redeemable / Exchangeable for, *One - $1.00 US Dollar.
*Note: See Item "I. Spending" above for Approved Spending Options.
I. All Amounts, Costs, Offerings, Plans and Circumstances listed are Estimates Only and may Change without Notice.
II. Various Qualifications and Limitations, plus Rules and Regulations do Apply.
III. Completing both the "Registration and RSVP Forms" is Required to Attend Activities.
Copyright © 2018 - Alt Terra Commons / ATC - All Rights Reserved
Reasons For Choosing An...
...Intentional Community Lifestyle
*Fair Use - ATC is not affiliated with above Video creators, please support their work
~ First Time Visitor Click Here --> "I'm New Here" <-- Click Here To Get Started ~