Alt Terra Commons
( *Note: This Form Works Best In Desktop Mode )
*Donation Form
If you would like to make a "One Time" and/or "Monthly" Donation, please Complete and Submit the Form
below. Also Keep in mind that the Non-Profit Tax Deduction is Not yet available. Version #F-0621-DF
I. For a Property or Financial Donation / Investment valued at $10,000 and above, please Use / Click
On the "Funding Form" button / link below and follow the Instructions. Thank You!
II. For a CryptoCurrency Donation of Any Amount, simply Send your Coin/Money to the Link Below. Thank You!
All others please return to "MAIN MENU" and use the appropriate Links.
Thank You For Donating!
Alt Terra Commons
( *Note: This Form Works Best In Desktop Mode )
*Benefactors Donation Form
If you can Donate / Share - Housing, Land and/or Financing, simply complete and submit the Form
below. Also Keep in mind that the Non-Profit Tax Deduction is Not yet available. Version #F-0621-BF
*Note: The Benefactors Form is Reserved for Donations valued at $10,000 and above. For Smaller Donations
simply use / click on the "Donate Form" button / link below and follow the Instructions. Thank You!
All others please return to "MAIN MENU" and use the appropriate Links.
Create a Lasting Family Memorial!
Hello Friend - Potential Benefactor / Investor
If you already are a giving / charitable person and have decided to make a Donation to Alt Terra Commons, please jump down to Paragraph II, but if you still need a little convincing, continue reading.
I) Consider, if you are already well to do / wealthy then why do you need to buy another house, another car or another boat? Once you have everything you already need why spend more money on more stuff / things you want just because you can but then hardly ever will use. Honestly, do you really need all that extra stuff? No, not really! Why not make a change then! Why not use your money to make a positive and transformational change in the World. Why not make a real difference in both your life and the life and dreams of other people for generations to come. Truthfully, there is nothing wrong with money, but getting more money just for the sake of getting more money is useless unless you put that money to work. Riches and Money in and of itself, is certainly not bad or evil, but what you do with it, good or bad, that certainly gives money it's true and lasting value. Why not be that special person that puts their riches / extra money to good use, a Generous Donation that will help Launch / Kick Start, and/or Give On-Going Support for the Alt Terra Commons project.
II) Yes, I do believe there is someone reading this right now that has either a large Home or a Ranch / Farm with 10, 40 or 100's of acres that doesn't need it or even use it anymore. You may even have that House / Land For Sale, but it's not selling. And Yes, there are others of you that can afford to simply make a large Cash / Financial Donation. So why not donate that property and/or money to ATC? Why not be that special person that helps Launch / Kick Start this Intentional Community in a big way. We already have a Solid Foundation - great community / business plan, and excellent leadership (see Description Section) so all that is missing now is your generosity. Why not make a change and put your riches / extra money to good use, a positive purpose and be that person that makes a real difference in the lives of so many others. With your help we can accelerate the launch of the Alt Terra Commons project and immediately begin to transform Peoples Lives and the World for good. Yes you can and probably already do support other well known and established organizations, but Launching / Kick Starting and/or offering Continual Support to ATC is a unique and once in a lifetime opportunity. Now is your chance to create a living Memorial to you and your Family's Name that will last for generations.
III) Regarding our Business Plan / Prospectus - the entirety of this website is our Business, Financial and Marketing plan, with the "Welcome, I'm New Here, and Description Pages" as our Main Summary and all Other Pages as Addendum. If however, you do have further questions, Please send me / us a Detailed E-mail.
For Donations / Investments of $10,000 or more you will have your Name listed in a Special Founders Memorial that will be placed in our Welcome Center. And for those who donate Housing, Land, Finances, and or Other Gifts valued at $100,000 or more, you will, in addition, have a Special Plaque dedicated to you and your Family's Name. Legacy Gifts / Estate Planning Wills are also welcome. To Donate / Invest, simply Click the "Funding Form" button / link below.
Thank You for your Kind Consideration!
Founder & Director ~ Kevin
" The Future Of Community Life "
Innovative ~ Communal ~ Egalitarian ~ Sustainable
*Note: Some Pages Require Site Membership. Fair Use – ATC is not affiliated with creators of some Videos, Images, Music and Links.
Alt Terra Commons
Copyright © 2018 - Alt Terra Commons - All Rights Reserved
Chino, CA, USA
All Images, Concepts and Videos Presented are for Inspirational and Example Purposes only
This Website works Best in Desktop / Landscape Mode - PC, Laptop, TV and Tablet, but Not in Mobile Phone / Portrait Mode
Alt Terra Commons
*Volunteer Form
If you can Work for Free - Donate / Volunteer your Time, Skills and Effort to help us by: Sharing Ideas, Promoting our Community, Completing Research Projects, Designing Systems, and/or Filling Out a Survey simply Complete and Submit the Form below. Also Keep in mind that All Volunteer Work is done Online and there is No Property to Visit just yet.
All others please return to "MENU" and use the appropriate Links.
Thank You!
" The Future Of Community Life "
Innovative ~ Communal ~ Egalitarian ~ Sustainable
*Note: Some Pages Require Site Membership. Fair Use – ATC is not affiliated with creators of some Videos, Images, Music and Links.
Alt Terra Commons
Copyright © 2018 - Alt Terra Commons - All Rights Reserved
Chino, CA, USA
All Images, Concepts and Videos Presented are for Inspirational and Example Purposes only
CLOSED - *Membership Join Form - CLOSED
If you would like to Apply to Move Into Alt Terra Commons,
please Complete and Submit the Form below.
*Note: you are adding your name to both a "Waiting List" and an "Update List" only, this is NOT a Contract. Currently there are no living spaces available so your Registration will not yet be evaluated rather it will simply be kept on file. See "Membership" page for additional Details. All your information will be kept confidential and not shared with any outside organizations.
If You Are Here, please return to "MENU" and use the appropriate Links, Thank You.