Alt Terra Commons
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Welcome To Our Community
~ Community News - "!Houses & Land Wanted!" - Front Page Story ~
Help us Acquire Properties: #1 Houses of Any Size and/or #2 Land of 1-100 Acres or More.
How You Can Help - A) Donate the Property itself, or B) Donate Finances to Purchase the Property, or
C) Allow us to Share Property you already own, or D) Tell us about Other Great Ideas you have.
--> Click Here Now "DONATION FORM" Click Here Now <--
~ Back Page Story "Founders & Leaders Wanted" Click Here Now ~
Scroll Down To Join and Continue Learning About Our Community - Intro Part 2 of 2
~ First Time Visitor Click Here --> "I'm New Here" <-- Click Here To Get Started ~
Greetings ~ Introduction ~ Testimonials ~ Opportunities ~ Inside Look ~ Getting Involved
Hello Friends Potential Residents - Are You Ready for a New Kind of Community!
Welcome to the Alt Terra Commons project - the Future of Community Life! You are now on our main website and the information provided here is a continuously improving and wide-ranging work in progress that is intended only for those Open Minded Souls who wish to transition from the currently accepted, yet broken, Governing Social and Monetary Structures to a New and Improved System that believes in a Shared Economy with Structured Equality. Do you know what "Commons", "Co-Living" and "Collectives" are? Have you heard of Member Financed Intentional Communities? Are you willing to share Facilities, Work, Expenses, Profits and Leadership Roles? Do you know how “Consensus”, “Collaboration” and “Compromise” work? As you are about to see, we think and do things differently here at ATC, and although our Community Lifestyle and Philosophy in many ways may be groundbreaking, we are still practical and straightforward in our approach. If you are ready for a paradigm change, are tired of the rat race, and want to live an Innovative, Communal, Egalitarian, and Sustainable life, then we welcome you here. It all begins when together we either: 1. Purchase a Smaller "Start Up" Property - co-living House Share of 3+ Bedrooms, where we will all live and begin implementing our community ideas, and/or 2. Ultimately acquire a Large "Master Plan" Property - commons Land Share of 100 acres or more, where we will Build the "Central Hub" of Essential Facilities surrounded by the various "Housing Villages", plus other Bonus Amenities throughout. One more point, the information provided here is always evolving based on our unique goals of: A) Meeting our members overall needs and wants, B) Integrating all the best ideas and methods already developed at other communities, and C) Continuously reviewing and improving everything we do. Therefore we encourage you to visit this our Main Website often in order to stay up to date on the latest changes, and that you also become a Website Member, plus Join Both our YouTube Channel and Forum Discussion Board. Finally, what I have presented here is the Vision for ATC, the opportunity to accomplish something great. All that is missing now is You - the Member(s), along with the Determination, Hard Work and of course Start Up Funding needed. So whether you are a Single, Couple or Family with Children and whether you are Young, Middle Aged or a Senior Citizen - You are all Welcome to Join Us. We also welcome other Compatible Newly Forming or Existing Community Groups willing to merge into our system. Together, We can make Alt Terra Commons a Reality for Today! All that being said, my main message to all of you, whether you join me / us or not, is - "You Are Loved!"
I look forward to meeting you all.
Founder & Director ~ Kevin
We're Waiting For You...
Are You Ready?
*Fair Use - ATC is not affiliated with above Video creators, please support their work
Come Join Us Today!
Following is an Introductory Overview of what the Alt Terra Commons project is all about
1. Alt Terra Commons is: Alt – alternative, plus Terra - the planet Earth, plus Commons - land or resources belonging to or affecting the whole of a community = Alternative Earth Community.
2. We are an Innovative, Communal, Egalitarian, and Sustainable Intentional Community.
3. We are a Members Only community that abides by fairness and our own common sense Rules and Regulations.
4. We live, work, eat, play and share most things together as Friends, a Family.
5. We solve problems and make important decisions together through Collaboration and Consensus.
6. We have regular community meetings, teach various classes and celebrate life's many milestones together.
7. We conserve and manage the earths resources for both the needs of today and into the future.
8. We encourage Entrepreneurs to join us and bring existing Small Business's and/or to Start New Ones.
9. We learn from other Communities Successes and Failures and incorporate all the Best Practices, Management
Tools, Technology and Know How.
10. Finally, we make Love, Joy, Peace and Compassion our daily mantra.
And Much Much More...
Join Alt Terra Commons Today!
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"All the Best Ideas, Teachings, Practices and Technologies Together in One place"
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"Together We Can Accomplish Great Things "
Choose Any of the Options Below
I. Join Alt Terra Commons - Membership Choices:
A) Interest Levels
1. *Resident Member - Sign-Up for Ready Now or Near Future or Potential ATC Community Residency.
2. *Donor Member - Become an ATC Benefactor and Donate Money and or Tangible Assets.
3. *Investor Member - Become an ATC Backer and Invest Finances to Kick Start or Expand Business's.
4. *Affiliate Member - Join an ATC Network of Intentional Communities and Business's that will be Collaborating.
II. Be An Active Supporter - Partnership Choices:
B) Membership Extras
5. *Volunteer Partner - Sign-Up as an Unpaid Intern or Consultant to help Complete Online / Regional Projects.
6. *Leadership Partner - Sign-Up as an Unpaid Council or Board Member to help Represent / Advise the Community.
III. More Great Choices:
7. Help Us *Advertise - Help Us Market our Community, Share ATC with your Social Network.
8. Be a *Shopper - Buy Products and/or Services from our Online Store. Coming Soon.
9. Link To *Social Media - Follow ATC Online, we are on All Your Favorite Social Media Sites.
10. Be a *Sponsor - Provide Free Business Products and Services to our Community in Exchange for On-Line and On-Site Reviews and Advertising. Coming Soon.
Inside Look
*Sample Community Housing
*Community Status - Updated Sep 2022
We are Now in the Promoting and Recruiting and Fundraising Phases only, and Do Not yet have a Property.*Next Goals - 1. Purchase Property, 2. Build “Central Hub”, and 3. Build “Housing Areas”, and then...
*Note: See "I'm New Here - About / Faqs" for Additional "Start Up" Details.
*Coming Attractions - Future Plans
Which will include: 1. Gift Shop with Eco, Specialty/Hand Crafted Items and Fresh Fruit/Vegetable Stand, plus 2. Cafe with Healthy Food Menu and Juice Bar, plus 3. Peace Garden with Flowers/Plants, Water Features and a Meditation Gazebo.
Which will include: 1. Eco Training with Certification Workshops and Webinars, plus 2. Eco Tourism with B&B/Retreats and Tours/Visits, plus 3. Eco Exhibits with Working Models/Displays and Kiosks featuring the Latest Technology.
Which will include: 1. Health Training with Fitness and Nutrition Classes, plus 2. Health Spa with Gym, Sauna, Pools and Massage, plus 3. Hiking Trails with Fitness Circuit and Meditation Rest Spots.
? *Where Will Your Ideas Take Us ?
Join Us In Building A Better Tomorrow...
Do You Believe
Welcome To The Future - Welcome To Alt Terra Commons
I. Examples Only / Fair Use - ATC is not affiliated with Video or Image creators.
II. Company Credits: Anert, Beeanywhere, Peggysuecollection, Sunimplant,
Biogill, Geoship, Hollandhydro, and Box15 / support their work.
Getting Involved
Yes, Alt Terra Commons is Building "The Future Of Community Life ", and we want
you to Come Join Us in Developing and Fulfilling this Wonderful Vision.
Were Waiting For You!
1. If You Are Ready To Join Us - Click The Link/Button Below
2. To Start Over, Return to, Intro Part 1 of 2 - Click The Link/Button Below
Alt Terra Commons
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"Your new Home, Your new Family, a World of New and Unlimited Possibilities!"
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Begin Participating Today!
~ Community News - "!Founders & Leaders Wanted!" - Back Page Story ~
We Now Have Limited Openings for:
1. *Charter Residents - A) Founders and B) Patrons as House or Land Roommates.
2. *Adviser Team - A) Leaders and B) Consultants as Remote or Onsite Workmates.
If you have always wanted to Help Design, Fund and Build Intentional Community, Now Is Your Chance!
Organic Agriculture Central Hub Eco Village Organic Livestock Energy Production Sewage Disposal
Water Harvesting Conflict Resolution Business Enterprises Training Programs Consensus Model
Plans to Launch our Property are now Underway and you are Invited to Participate.
*Bonus: Community "Founders & Leaders" earn Extra Perks and Discounts.
Get Started Today - Click The Links/Buttons Below
To Start Over, Return to, Intro Part 1 of 2 - Click The Link/Button Below
I. ATC Membership places you both on our Standard Email Update List and on our Community Residency Waiting List.
II. Access to Some Pages does Require Membership and/or Approval.
III. All Amounts, Costs, Plans and Circumstances listed are Estimates Only and may change without Notice.
IV. Various Qualifications, Limitations, Required Work Hours, and Fees plus Covenants and Rules and Regulations do Apply.
V. Initial Housing Space and Amenities will be Limited and some Facilities will be Shared in a Dorm Style.
VI. "Founding and Patron Members" earn Bonus Perks and Discounts whereas "Common Members" Do Not.
Copyright © 2018 - Alt Terra Commons / ATC - All Rights Reserved